Practical Tips for Paying Less to the Tax Authorities

12 min of reading

By Ayelén Gómez

Paying taxes is an obligation that all citizens must comply with, but there are several ways to reduce the tax burden through tax deductions. In this article, we will present some practical tips to pay less to the tax authorities and make the most of the available tax deductions.


Paying taxes is an obligation that all taxpayers must comply with, but there are several ways to reduce the tax burden through tax deductions. In this article, we offer practical tips for paying less to the taxman and maximizing tax savings.

How to pay less tax

If you want to reduce your tax burden, here are some practical tips:

Tax deductions on your tax return

One of the ways to reduce your tax burden is to take advantage of tax deductions on your tax return. These deductions are expenses or investments that can be deducted from the amount to be paid in taxes.

Among the main tax deductions are:

It is important to know all the tax deductions available in order to take full advantage of them and thus reduce the amount to be paid in taxes. To do this, it is advisable to have professional advice and keep up to date with the latest tax developments.

Plan the investment to pay less tax

An effective way to reduce the tax burden is to carefully plan the investments you make. For example, investing in pension plans or mutual funds can be a good option to reduce the taxes to be paid.

It is important to bear in mind that each country has its own tax rules and that it is therefore necessary to be well informed about the options available and the possible tax deductions that can be applied.

Another aspect to consider is the timing of the investment. In some cases, it may be convenient to do so at the end of the tax year to take full advantage of available tax deductions.

In short, carefully planning investments and being well aware of the applicable tax rules are key to reducing the tax burden and paying less tax.

Claiming applicable tax deductions

It is important to review in detail the tax deductions to which you are entitled and make sure to claim them correctly. Many times, due to ignorance or lack of information, we miss opportunities to save on taxes.

In order to claim the corresponding tax deductions, it is necessary to have the necessary receipts and documents that support such deductions. For example, if you are entitled to deduct medical expenses, it is important to have invoices and receipts that prove such expenses.

It is also advisable to be aware of the deadlines for filing tax returns and claiming the corresponding deductions. In case of having doubts or needing advice, it is possible to turn to an accountant or tax advisor.

Not claiming the corresponding tax deductions may mean paying more taxes than necessary. Therefore, it is important to be informed and take measures to make the most of tax saving opportunities.

Myths about tax deductions

There are many myths surrounding tax deductions, and it is important to be aware of them so as not to fall into mistakes that can harm our personal finances. Some of the most common myths are:

It is important to be well informed about tax deductions and consult an expert if we have doubts about them. In this way we will be able to take full advantage of all the tools offered by the tax system and pay less taxes in a legal and responsible way.

Assume that you cannot claim more tax deductions than are automatically granted to you

It is important to keep in mind that tax deductions are a benefit that is automatically granted to taxpayers who meet certain requirements. However, many people make the mistake of thinking that they can claim more deductions than they are entitled to, which can lead to problems with the tax authority.

Therefore, it is advisable to assume that you cannot claim more tax deductions than you are automatically granted. It is always best to be sure which deductions you are entitled to and make sure you do not omit any when filing your tax return.

Thinking that some things are not deductible when in fact they are

One of the most common mistakes taxpayers make is thinking that certain expenses are not deductible when in fact they are. It is important to know the tax laws and be aware of the available deductions in order to take full advantage of them.

For example, many taxpayers are unaware that medical expenses, mortgage interest and donations to charitable organizations are deductible. There are also deductions available for those who work from home or own a business.

Don't assume that certain expenses are not deductible without first researching and consulting with a tax professional. By doing so, you could be missing valuable opportunities to reduce your tax burden.

Additional Tax Strategies

In addition to the tax deductions and tricks to pay less tax that we've already mentioned, there are other tax strategies that can help you reduce your tax burden:

In short, there are many tax strategies that can help you save money on taxes. The important thing is to be informed and plan ahead to make the most of all available opportunities.

Create a limited partnership to reduce taxes on business profits

One of the most effective ways to reduce taxes on business profits is to create a limited partnership. By forming a partnership, you can divide the capital stock among several partners and thus distribute the profits of the business.

In addition, limited partnerships are taxed more favorably than the self-employed and sole proprietorships, as they have a tax rate of 25% instead of the 30% that applies to individuals.

It is important to bear in mind that the creation of a limited company entails certain costs and administrative procedures, so it is advisable to seek professional advice before making this decision.

Take advantage of tax exemptions for contributions to pension plans and private health insurance

One way to reduce the tax burden is to take advantage of tax exemptions for contributions to pension plans and private health insurance. These financial products offer tax benefits that can significantly reduce the amount of taxes we have to pay.

Pension plans make it possible to save for retirement and, at the same time, reduce the personal income tax base. Contributions made to these plans can be deducted in the income tax return, which means that the money invested is not taken into account when calculating income tax.

On the other hand, private health insurance also offers tax benefits. The premiums paid for these insurances can be deducted in the income tax return, which means that the amount to be paid to the tax authorities is reduced.

In short, taking advantage of tax exemptions for contributions to pension plans and private health insurance can be a very effective strategy for reducing our tax burden. It is important to be well informed about these financial products and choose those that best suit our needs and financial profile.

Taking advantage of tax saving opportunities abroad

One of the most effective ways to reduce the tax burden is to take advantage of tax saving opportunities abroad. Many countries offer tax incentives to attract foreign investments and businesses, which can result in significant tax savings for those who know how to take advantage of these opportunities.

Some of the most common ways to take advantage of these opportunities include setting up an offshore company, investing in an overseas property or opening a bank account in a low-tax country. However, it is important to keep in mind that these strategies can be complex and require professional advice to ensure that all tax laws and regulations are complied with.

In addition, it is important to keep in mind that not all tax saving opportunities are legitimate. Some companies offer fraudulent schemes that promise large tax savings but can result in fines and even criminal charges. It is important to carefully research any opportunity before committing.

In summary, taking advantage of offshore tax savings opportunities can be an effective way to reduce your tax burden, but it requires professional advice and care when evaluating any opportunity.


In conclusion, taxes and tax deductions can seem overwhelming, but with a little planning and knowledge, it is possible to reduce the amount you pay to the taxman. Some practical tips include donating to charities, taking advantage of deductions for medical and educational expenses, and carefully planning financial investments.

It is important to remember that each tax situation is unique and may require a different approach. Therefore, it is advisable to seek professional advice to maximize tax benefits.

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