How to Choose the Best Loan to Buy a House

13 min of reading

By Ayelén Gómez

Buying a home is one of the biggest investments a person can make in his or her life. To do so, it is often necessary to take out a mortgage loan. However, choosing the best loan to buy a home can be a complicated task, as there are many options available in the market. In this article, we present some tips to help you choose the best mortgage loan for your needs.

What are mortgage loans?

Mortgage loans are long-term loans that are granted for the purchase of a property, whether it is a house, apartment, land or commercial premises. These loans are secured by the property itself, which means that if the borrower defaults on his or her payment obligations, the bank or financial institution can take possession of the property.

Mortgage loans usually have a lower interest rate than other types of loans due to the collateral provided by the property. In addition, the payment term can be very long, even up to 30 years in some cases.

It is important to keep in mind that in order to obtain a mortgage loan it is necessary to meet certain requirements, such as having a good credit history, having a stable and sufficient income to pay the monthly installments and having previous savings to cover the expenses associated with the purchase of the property.

How do mortgage loans work?

Mortgage loans are loans granted for the purchase of a property, whether it is a house, apartment or land. This type of loan has the particularity that the property that is acquired remains as a guarantee for the payment of the loan.

A mortgage loan works as follows:

It is important to keep in mind that mortgage loans have different modalities and characteristics, so it is advisable to compare several options before choosing one. It is also important to carefully evaluate your payment capacity before applying for a mortgage loan to avoid financial problems in the future.

Types of mortgage loans

There are different types of mortgage loans, each with its own characteristics and requirements. Some of the most common are:

It is important to analyze each option and choose the one that best suits our needs and financial possibilities.

Bank mortgage loan

The bank mortgage loan is an option offered by banks to finance the purchase of a home. This type of loan is characterized by having a fixed or variable interest rate and a payment term of up to 30 years.

Before choosing a bank mortgage loan, it is important to compare the conditions offered by different banks and evaluate which one best suits your needs and economic possibilities. Some aspects to consider are:

In summary, the bank mortgage loan can be a good option to finance the purchase of a home, as long as the conditions offered by the different banks are evaluated in detail and the one that best suits your needs and economic possibilities is chosen.

Mortgage loan with Infonavit

Infonavit is a government agency that offers mortgage loans to Mexican workers who contribute to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). If you are a formal worker and have at least 116 points in your Infonavit account, you can apply for a loan to buy a house.

Infonavit mortgage loans have several advantages, such as low interest rates and terms of up to 30 years to pay. In addition, you can use your housing subaccount balance to increase the amount of the loan.

To apply for a mortgage loan with Infonavit, you must follow these steps:

It is important that you compare Infonavit mortgage loan options with other options available in the market before making a decision. Review the interest rates, terms and general conditions of each option to choose the best one for you.

Mortgage loan with Fovissste

The Fondo de la Vivienda del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Fovissste) is an option for public sector workers who wish to purchase a home. This program offers mortgage loans with a fixed interest rate and terms of up to 30 years.

To apply for a mortgage loan with Fovissste, it is necessary to meet certain requirements, such as being an active public sector worker, having at least 18 months of contributions to the Fund and not having previously received a mortgage loan from the Fund. In addition, you must have a pre-qualification granted by Fovissste.

It is important to consider that the maximum amount of the loan will depend on the worker's salary and that the housing selection process must be carried out through a developer authorized by Fovissste.

In summary, if you are a public sector worker and you are interested in acquiring a home, the Fovissste mortgage loan may be a good option for you. Remember to comply with the requirements and carry out a previous research to choose the best option according to your needs.

How to choose the best mortgage loan

Buying a home is one of the most important decisions you can make in your life, and choosing the right mortgage loan is fundamental to make it happen. Here are some tips on how to choose the best loan:

Choosing the best mortgage loan may take time and effort, but it will be worth it when you can buy the home of your dreams with a loan that fits your needs and financial possibilities. Good luck!

Interest Rate

The interest rate is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a mortgage loan. This rate is the percentage that is charged on the amount of the loan and represents the cost of the money being borrowed.

It is important to compare the interest rates offered by different financial institutions, since a difference of a few percentage points can mean a big difference in the total amount to be paid. Also, keep in mind that rates can be fixed or variable, which means that they can change over time.

Another important factor to consider is the effective interest rate, which includes not only the nominal rate, but also other costs associated with the loan, such as commissions and insurance. It is important to take this total cost into account when comparing different mortgage loan options.

In summary, the interest rate is a key factor to consider when choosing a mortgage loan. It is important to compare the rates offered by different financial institutions and take into account both the nominal rate and the effective rate in order to make an informed decision.

Term of the loan

The term of the mortgage loan is the time you have to repay the loan. Generally, terms range from 5 to 30 years, although it depends on each financial institution. It is important to keep in mind that the longer the term, the lower the monthly payment, but you will also pay more interest.

It is advisable to choose a term that suits your needs and financial possibilities. If you can afford a higher monthly payment, it is preferable to opt for a shorter term to save on interest.

It is also important to keep in mind that some banks offer the possibility of changing the term of the loan during its validity. If in the future your economic conditions change and you can assume a higher monthly payment, you can shorten the term and save on interest.

Monthly payments and prepayments

One of the most important aspects to consider when choosing a mortgage loan is the amount of the monthly payments you will have to make. It is important that these installments are sufficiently accessible so as not to affect your monthly budget and avoid late payments.

Another factor to consider is the possibility of making advance payments. These payments allow you to reduce the principal owed and, therefore, reduce the interest generated over time. In addition, some banks offer the possibility of making additional payments without penalties.

It is important to read the mortgage loan conditions carefully and make sure you understand all the terms and conditions before signing any contract.

Fees and additional expenses

Before choosing a mortgage loan, it is important to be aware of additional fees that may arise during the home buying process. These may include:

It is important to know these expenses and commissions before contracting a mortgage loan in order to make an effective comparison between the different options available.


In conclusion, choosing the best mortgage loan to buy a house is an important task that requires time and analysis. It is necessary to compare the different options available in the market, considering aspects such as interest rate, payment terms and commissions.

It is also important to evaluate our ability to pay and take into account the additional expenses involved in buying a home, such as deed costs and taxes. In short, making an informed decision will allow us to access a loan suited to our needs and avoid financial problems in the long term.

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