Fixed Income Investments

3 min of reading

By Maite Ortiz

For people looking to invest safely, knowing the types of investments is fundamental.

This is because, by evaluating each type, it is possible to compare the prospects for gains and the risks involved.

The fixed income investment appears as an option in this sense, precisely because it presents greater security, while having prospects of good returns.

What is Fixed Income?

Fixed income is a type of investment with more predictable gains and lower risks.

Unlike variable-income investments, fixed income has strictly defined yield rules in advance.

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When starting an investment in fixed income, the investor knows the term of the investment and the index used to value the money.

With this, there is the possibility of predicting, at least in parts, the yield that the application will generate.

What do I need to observe when choosing investments?

Many investors ask themselves what is the best investment that can be made.

There is no definitive answer, because several factors must be considered to determine which investment should be chosen by each person.

Fixed income investment, therefore, may or may not be the best type of investment, depending on factors such as investor profile, personal goals, amount available for investment, liquidity, and profitability.

Investor profile

The profile translates how tolerant to risks the person who invests is. Objectively, there are three investor profiles:

Some examples of investments in Fixed Income

Check out, below, the main fixed income investments available in the market:


You must remember very well that your mother used to tell you that you were not everyone, right? This principle applies especially to the world of investments, that is, there is no point in following a trend or adopting a type of investment just because other people are doing it.

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Be critical and know a lot about the subject, seek help from specialized advice if necessary.

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