Avant Money Personal Loan

2 min of reading

By Maite Ortiz

Personal loans and personal credit are terms used to describe the same thing: money granted by financial institutions such as banks, fintechs, and credit unions to a customer after a credit risk analysis and interest charges.

One of the main advantages of this type of credit is its simplicity and practicality, often with pre-approved amounts for those who have a current account at any bank.

In addition, personal loans are generally used to finance personal expenses, such as travel, buying appliances, and home renovations, among others.

Positive Points Negative Points
Has the release of the high values The minimum age to apply for a loan is 21 years old
The personal loan rates are fixed throughout the repayment period You must have a bank account to receive the money

It is a flexible credit option because it does not require you to justify the use of the borrowed money, unlike other types of loans such as mortgages or payroll loans.

Another important feature of personal loans is that they can be taken out by both individuals and companies, as long as they are able to pass a credit analysis.

The loan's payment term is also flexible, and can be established according to the client's needs. It is important to remember, however, that personal loans are a financial commitment and must be taken with care.

It is recommended that the customer should analyze the interest rates, the payment terms, and the possibility of insurance coverage before taking out the loan.

Personal credit is a type of loan that requires no justification of use, that is, the money borrowed can be used for any purpose, without the need to specify what it will be used for.

Quick approval through the institution's website
Repayment terms
Longer payment terms
Ease of application
You have one of the easiest loan applications on the market
Security System in Place to Prevent Fraud

This distinguishes it from other forms of credit, such as financing, which is specific to the acquisition of durable goods such as real estate or vehicles. With that we will show you a little more about the Avant Money Personal Loan.


Avant Money personal loan rates range from 5.9% to 19.9%, one of the lowest in the market. These rates vary according to the amount and term of repayment. To take advantage of this opportunity and apply for your loan, click on the button below.

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The Avant Money Personal Loan payment terms can be up to 84 months for repayment of higher amounts, one of the longest terms in the personal loan segment in the country.


The Avant Money Personal Loan amounts can vary from $ 5,000 to $ 75,000, and it is possible to request any amount in the very first request. To apply for a loan quickly and securely, click on the button below.

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