Maite Ortiz

Maite Ortiz is a woman born in the city of La Serena, Chile, in 1996. At the age of 27, she has a degree in Languages and Accounting from the University of La Serena.

From a young age, Maite has always been passionate about teaching people. Therefore, after graduating in Languages, she decided to become a teacher and worked for 3 years teaching students of different age groups. However, she felt she could go further and decided to seek new challenges.

With her previous experience in the financial market, Maite realized that she could unite her two passions: teaching and finance. Thus, she decided to study accounting and did a graduate course in this area. With her knowledge, she started writing articles for a website about finances, sharing practical and easy to understand tips for people to better control their personal finances.

The article service that Maite Ortiz offers for websites aims to help people better understand the world of personal finance and take more control of their finances. She shares practical and easy-to-understand tips that can be applied in everyday life, and she writes clearly and objectively so that her information can be understood by everyone.

Thanks to her ability to communicate clearly and objectively, Maite has become one of the most famous writers in the world of finance in Chile. Her articles and tips have helped many people improve their financial situation, and she feels fulfilled that she can help others through her work.

Besides her career Maite also has hobbies and personal dreams. She loves cycling and takes advantage of weekends to cycle through beautiful landscapes. In addition, she dreams of starting a family and having a daughter. At the age of 27, Maite is already planning her wedding and is thinking about having two children in the future.

Maite is a determined and dedicated person who is always looking to grow professionally and personally. With her passion for teaching and her skills in finance, she has become a reference in the world of personal finance in Chile and inspires many people to take better care of their money. With her article service for the website, Maite Ortiz has been able to help many people to have a healthier and more balanced financial life. Her work is recognized and valued in Chile, and she feels fulfilled to be able to contribute to the financial well-being of so many people.